Have you been wondering whether you should take the CISA Exam? There’s probably tons of people and plenty of articles that provide you more than enough reasons why you should seek to become ISACA CISA certified. But should you?
Instead of looking at reasons why let’s look at who should take the exam. CISA certification is sought after by an extensive range of job descriptions. It applies to many industries. So buckle up and get ready to see if you fit the bill.
ISACA CISA Exam Summary:
Exam Name:- ISACA Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
Exam Code:- CISA
Exam Price ISACA Member:- $575 (USD)
Exam Price ISACA Nonmember:- $760 (USD)
Duration:- 240 mins
Number of Questions:- 150
Passing Score:- 450/800
Books / Training:- CISA requirements, CISA Review Manual
Sample Questions:- ISACA CISA Sample Questions
Practice Exam:- ISACA CISA Certification Practice Exam
1) Meticulous
The auditing jobs many with CISA certifications occupy are in the realm of precision, meticulousness, and specificity. Those who perform these systematic evaluations of the security of an organization information system follow very established criteria, resulting in an audit that’s extremely thorough. These audits determine whether or not an organization is in the regulatory measure, compliance, the information system’s security performance, and help defeat any weaknesses in the system.
Should you enter the personal domain of a typical IT security auditor, you are probably not going to find clutter, disorganization, or disgusting levels of dirtiness and grime. It will likely be the opposite. 9 out of 10 times, it’s a safe bet to make that the bed’s made. Dirty dishes in the sink for longer than a day is very unlikely. You are most of the time going to be greeted with a well-organized, clean, and tidy apartment. If this sounds like your apartment and you are in IT, then you should consider the CISA.
2) Take Charge
There are those who sit quietly by and let events happen as they may, and there are those who must reconcile and make sure that whatever’s happening does so smoothly and with as little disruption as possible. They naturally organize, gather, and disseminate information, people, and processes in a sensible and effective manner. In the simplest terms, they govern.
These people in the IT world are utilizing their ISACA CISA certifications in the world of information governance. They run a company’s information through the implementation of processes, metrics, controls, and specific roles. They seek to streamline the management through austere processes and very clearly defined roles that making information assets available only to those who require it and conversely ensuring those that need it, have it. They ensure that data-driven decisions made by employees are supported through sensical, reliable, and easily accessible data.
3) Evaluators
Today, more so than ever, information is a remarkably valuable asset. And like most assets, it can deteriorate over time. Some information depreciates more quickly than other data. And with the sheer volume of data that are created, moved, consumed, and used in almost countless ways, it’s crucial for companies to be able to correctly evaluate their information assets to support control the management of it. Eschewing the obvious evaluations of some sets and types of evaluations, the minutia of the knowledge assets of businesses can be difficult to decide.
In steps an individual who has had an eye for such things since the beginning days of recess. Without fail, these people pick the leading team amongst the class. They may or may not be the good player, but they always had the best team and probably went unbeaten in Dodge Ball or Red Rover during their playground days. They get the most out of their cars when trading them in for new ones because they bought cars that keep their value. They know when to forsake the party before it gets out of hand. They are the one's family, and friends trust when they have questions on large purchases. They’re CISA certified.
4) Self Starters
There’s not much more that requires to be said about those commonly described as a self-starter. They take the initiative; they do not wait until being to do something that needs to be done; they just do it. They are the Nike’s of the world, the ones with the ingrained sense of doing it now and do it right. Hesitate isn’t in their vocabulary.
Now that does not mean these are rash people—in the world of IT these people make informed decisions, likely data-driven and based. They are often the ones who see a demand in a current information system and take the reins and design, deliver, and maintain improvements. These people are often in the world of ITSM. They work with ITSM frameworks to implement, develop, improve, and monitor IT management and governance. They are familiar with the Microsoft Operations Framework, COBIT, and even Six Sigma. And they are CISA certified.
5) Committers
CISA certification is by no means a one and done type of cert. Once you go CISA, you do not go back. Part of being CISA certified means keeping your body of knowledge and keeping up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies in many different areas. This all ties into the CPE program that’s required of all ISACA CISA certification holders. CISA certification holders are expected to complete 20 contact hours annually and 120 contact hours during a fixed three year period. There are associated fees with these classes, annually.
Along with this requirement, CISA certification holders commit to a rigorous Code of Professional Ethics to ensure the integrity of the certification and sustain its globally known respect and prestige. It’s something these people do not take lightly. If these rigidly honor-bound folk sound like kindred spirits, then you should join them. They are probably your kind of people.